Partnering with Zion City, Inc.
When you partner with Zion City, Inc. you are helping to Slice the PIE™ in areas of kingdom ministry where cultural intelligence is desperately needed. We have found these areas of ministry are better addressed through allocations of funds in Publishing, Intelligence, and Eventainment. In addition to this, Zion City, Inc. facilitates spiritual resources and support for local underserved churches in Dane County, community fellowship events that bring inspiration to the communities they serve, and people with special circumstances who have been identified as active giving members of these same local church communities.
Our giving tools provide several ways to give easily and expediently:
Giving in person
Join us at one of our local events and give by placing your gift in one of our Drop Boxes.
Or call or email us at 608.288.9466 or to schedule an appointment.
Giving Online
Giving via Text
Auto Pay for Recurring Donations
When you commit to a recurring donation, you make it possible for us to:
Create a strategic budget plan
Normalize and control expenses
Manage current and future revenues
Increase and/or maximize giving plans, fellowship, ministry and kingdom opportunities
Deliver excellence in ministry and kingdom products and services with expertise, effectiveness and efficiency.
Enrolling in Zion City Auto Pay is one way to express your faithfulness and to ensure that God is first in your giving. Here are a few things to know about Zion City Auto Pay:
You are not obligated to enroll. Please do not feel pressure to enroll.
There is no charge to enroll in Zion City Auto Pay.
Electronic withdrawals are regulated by the Federal Reserve and are very safe.
Your consistent financial support makes a difference!
Smart Giving - Giving via Text
Giving is now as simple as sending a text. Here's how it works:
Type the dollar amount you'd like to give.
Type our church smart giving number: (608) 422-4622
Click send…
After you tap the link it will take you to the one-time mobile registration page.
Click confirm…
You will receive a confirmation message and text message.
Two cool things you should know:
Smart Giving NEVER goes on a givers phone bill.
You can refund your gift if you make a mistake.
Zion City, Inc. is a non-profit tax exempt 501c3 corporation. All charitable contributions are tax deductible. Donation letters are available upon request or will be provided immediately upon verification of your donation.
Thank you for your support.
A shout out to local church giving
Giving to the work of the Lord is critical to the success of the local church and the fulfillment of God's Kingdom on earth. Giving is one of the purest and truest reflections of your heart and what you really think about who or what you're giving to. Those who desire to really put their trust in the Lord, do His will, and love Him with all of their heart, mind, body, soul, and strength learn to give to God first.
Zion City, Inc. operated as a standalone local church moving throughout Dane County from 2006 to 2018 and is intimately aware and knowledgeable of the daily struggles of a pastor, his ability to efficiently and successfully engage quality seasoned leaders, let alone build and employ solid kingdom driven Christ-followers in the workforce to meet the many needs of its congregants. If God has given you a heart for the local church and you’re not sure who to support or entrust your gift to, Zion City, Inc. would love to facilitate your gift to a local church in need or you may partner with us as we continue to use our resources to support local underserved churches and the people they reach.