Prayer Requests
Zion City wants to pray for you or add you to our prayer list. If you are a local member, financial partner, a FOZC (Friend of Zion City) supporter, or just simply need to know someone's concerned about you, please send us your PRAYER REQUEST below. We absolutely want to be informed or at least kept in the loop whenever a special need arises.
Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms… Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:13, 16
The UPPER Room Intercessory Prayer Service Event
The UPPER Room (TUR) is not your average prayer service. Although everyone is welcomed, this special intercessory prayer service is NOT for kids or adults with other things on their mind. Services are 2 hours of intense praise, prayer, worship and sharing. Doors are locked immediately after the start time with no regard to those left on the outside. That's how serious we are about maintaining the quality and effectiveness of this prayer service event phenomenon.
If you'd like to experience the next TUR, fill out the simple email alert form below.
TUR Materials and Spiritual Support Tools: Visit Salt World tab to access most of the materials below.
- The UPPER Room Prayer Personal Guide Book
- Live @ 5 and Grits @ 6 Intercessory Conference Call Prayer Line
- FRUITS™ Fast Plans
- Birth Patrol Service Training
- Birth Patrol Stronghold Spirits Workshop